Manufacturer of a special type of fuel injection filter was having problems in sintering their Silicon Carbide parts inside high temperature continuous pusher furnace. Due to high operating temperature, trailing thermocouples could be not be used to know the part temperatures during heating cycle. The objective of the test was to understand the thermal characteristic of the furnace and predict the part temperature during heating.
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An analysis with furnxpert software is compared with the conventional hand calculations. Although FurnXpert software can be used to analyze any type of batch or continuous furnaces, for the purpose of this case study, we have selected a continuous belt furnace used in powder metal sintering application. The furnace configuration is shown below.
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A test was conducted at Allegheny Powder Metallurgy (APM) to validate CompAS’ value proposition. APM, a subsidiary of Hawk group, manufactures PM and MIM parts for automobiles, power-tools, lawn and garden, and home appliances.
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A renowned auto part manufacturer wanted to run thermal simulations to predict heating of steel plates of dimension (L: 42 in, W: 9 in, T: 0.067 in) in a rectangular batch furnace. The objective of the study was to compare the simulation runs with the actual data and then to find how the temperature profile inside the stack of plates changed at different gas flow rate inside the furnace.
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